Nutritional Food Given Tb Patients

Nutritional Food Given Tb Patients

Program Location : Distt Hospital
Program Date : 16-Apr-2024
Program Description
Under the Prime Minister's National Tuberculosis Eradication Campaign, Indian Red Cross Society and Dr. Satyanarayan Seva Foundation, today on 16/4/24 at 2 pm, while playing a continuously active role under Nikshaya Day on 15th of every month in all the hospitals of Uttar Pradesh, Under the joint aegis of Chairman Dr. Anurag Srivastava, nutritional materials (Bournvita, peanuts, gram, sattu, jaggery etc.) were given to newly adopted TB patients Jeba, Kusuma, Nand Kishore, Ramsjeevan and Savita every month after completion of their medical course. On this occasion, senior treatment supervisor Ajit Singh, Rakesh Kumar, Gorelal, Praveen, Nafees, Vishnu Srivastava and key associate Abhinav Srivastava were present.

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